Tag: netherlands

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Blacktracks “Casual Drugs” Music Video and Single Out Today!

Established in the Pacific Northwest, United States, Blacktracks members Jake Jerome and Anthony Perez have signaled a transcendent approach to “Spoken Word” music. Its stream of freeform  lyricism owing a debt in style, perhaps, to literary forefathers, but remains original all its own.  Intelligent, driven and offering a uniquely bleak insight into stressful living caused by both inside and outside forces of nature. Mirroring performance-poet mastery of cadence and timing, Blacktracks brings a storm ofContinue reading…

Featured, News

Scatterbox’s 20th Birthday.

So as Blackhouse Ltd. turns 20 years old this year, so does this band. Scatterbox , one of the stalwart bands on the label roster, is kicking off their 20th anniversary with a complete digital revival of their entire discography on their Bandcamp page. Also, two of their earliest albums, “Run Faster Jump Higher” and “Infection III” have received the full remastering treatment! You can check it all out at scatterboxofficial.bandcamp.com. Physical releases available atContinue reading…

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Lil Percy “Extort the Bag 2K21” Out Today!

Lil Percy has been very active with mixtape, feature and production work since the release of his full length Blackhouse debut, “Revenge” back in 2018. We were stoked when he sent over his newest record for release, appropriately titled “Extort the Bag 2k21: White House Down Bandemic Edition”. Richmond, Virginia being a hot spot for all things art and music, it has also been a magnet for a lot of political and pandemic happenings, andContinue reading…

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Fedsmoker “Haole Mom” CD/CS Available Now (Very Limited).

THIS IS A VERY LIMITED RELEASE. CD – 50 AVAILABLE, CS – 50 AVAILABLE. COMES WITH EXCLUSIVE STICKER. ALL ORDERS SHIP IMMEDIATELY. **ORDER HERE** FEDSMOKER is a 3-piece Northwest outfit featuring legacy members of the Northwest music scene. Spanning over a decade among the grindcore, punk, hardcore, and noise scenes of the tri-state region, the band is the result of months-long pandemic cabin fever. Right off the heels of their debut self-titled demo EP releasedContinue reading…

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Please Welcome BURDEN to Blackhouse Ltd.

**Announcement** Please welcome Vancouver, Canada’s BURDEN to Blackhouse Limited. BURDEN FACEBOOK. BURDEN INSTAGRAM. The late 1990s and early 2000s were a strange time for hardcore and especially straight edge. Traditional hardcore sounds were few and far between as metallic hardcore and metalcore dominated. Along with the sonic change, there was also a change in culture; namely, straight edge became associated with violence and authoritarianism instead of self-improvement and self-discipline. This narrative became so overblown inContinue reading…

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XINGAIA “Meals for Heels” Single out today. Happy New Year!

Splattergore-deathgrind powerhouse XINGAIA have emerged with a brand-new single to ring in the new year. “Meals for Heels” is the newest offering since 2018’s “D.U.O” single and their acclaimed debut self-titled album. With cover art worked up by the legendary Jason Roberts (who’s past work includes Municipal Waste and Insect Warfare), this track absolutely rages your face into the new year. PARTY ON. Full audio below. Download or stream out now on all major platformsContinue reading…

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As a small independent label, this has been the most uncertain, craziest, and sketchiest year we have ever endured in our 20 years as a record label. What I can say, though, is not only did we trudge through this shit we call 2020, we prevailed and had a solid year amidst all the weirdness. Things went off the rails at a few points during this pandemic mess. Staying proactive and adapting as much asContinue reading…